Liebster Award



So if that’s the first time you hear about this award, just like me, here are the rules:

# Shake hands with the blogger who nominated you 🙂

# Answer their questions.

# Give 11 facts about yourself.

# Nominate 11 bloggers.

# Give them 11 questions.

So, let’s start with Mark’s questions:

1. What’s your comfort food and drink? why? – I love ice cream and beer. The feeling of melting ice cream and cold beer is a joy for my tongue and heart.

2. What’s the last thing you do before going to bed? – I guess one of my last rituals is to sip some water.

3. What’s the very first thing you check after waking up in the morning ? – Okay, I admit, my phone…

4. Who’s your favorite and idol in singing and why? – AC/DC and many more. Love old rock.

5. How does it feel to be nominated in awardings like this? – It’s really nice to know that there are people who like my posts, which perhaps are sometimes random.

6. What was your biggest regret in life ever? – Didn’t visit my grandad at the hospital before he passed away. Also, I’m afraid I didn’t show enough love to my sister while my nephew, rest in peace, was fighting for his life.

7. What’s this thing that can describe you and your life? Yes, it’s thing. – Passport.

8. Your favorite qoute/s? – An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

9. Forgive and forget or hate and revenge? Where are you? – Forgive and forget.

10. For you in blogging, which is more in important, likes or comments? – Maybe comments, I’d like to get to know more people.

11. What does blogging brought to you? – Freedom to share my thoughts.


And some random facts about my life:

1. In love with travelling and caving.

2. Soon I’ll be 30… and I’m still getting used to this thought.

3. I’d love to learn how to make macarons.

4. For me, cheetahs, turtles, and whales are adorable. In fact, I’m really hoping to see turtles in Cyprus next month.

5. I’m afraid that people have become dishonest.

6. Right now, I can’t choose between teaching, writing or counselling.

7. Still surprised how perfect my baby Val is…

8. I’m afraid I’ll never jump with a parachute again.

9. Often, I feel insecure, which is s feeling some people abuse.

10. I’m scared I’m pushing my husband away… but at the same time, I’m doing it on purpose.

11. Many people don’t know how to pronounce my name 🙂

There are many awesome bloggers out there, and in fact, I’d like to nominate all of the talented people I follow in order to show appreciation and get to know them. So, please, you who are reading this, feel free to join this chain of WordPress recognition, personal facts, and fun posts.

My questions:

1. What does writing mean to you?

2. Are you involved in charity?

3. How do you feel when you see the world in white in winter? Or if it doesn’t snow where you are, what does snow mean to you?

4. Do you support paternity policies?

5. Why do we call westerners expats but other people immigrants?

6. Early mornings or late nights?

7. Do you wait to dive in the sea when you go to the beach or do you jump straight away?

8. How do you feel about nudism around kids?

9. Do you mix whiskey?

10. Do you fart in front of your partner?

11. Do you like social media?

Thanks again, Mark Anthony, and love all!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Rêveuse says:

    Congratulations 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elitsa says:

      Thanks so much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Review It says:

    You have a nice blog and some great posts. Can you please visit my blog and give your valuable feedback on it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elitsa says:

      Thank you! Sure, will do 🙂


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